Opinion: I Use To Think Teachers Were Under Payed, Now I realize Some Don’t Even Deserve A Job

It’s no secret how destructive and corrosive to society teachers unions have become. I college I realized most career teachers were just failed introverts that would have no direction in life without the societal box of the school system. They rely on doing the same thing every year. It is more common than ever for teachers to become teachers straight out of college rather than getting life and work experience to aid in teaching. But now A caucus within the biggest teachers union in New York City is encouraging members to fill out a form to pursue legal action to allow employees to opt out of returning to work in person this fall. Form: “We Must Not Return Until It Is Safe!”


One question asks if teachers feel safe returning to school, yes literally is not even an option.


“We are collecting stories from educators about why they are concerned about returning to face-to-face teaching and learning in September We are hoping to look for patterns/ commonalities to pursue legal action.”


The form has been deactivated but the link is still up.

Tweet from the caucus within the United Federation of Teachers:

Teachers’ unions are evil. Their members are selfish and lazy. Fire. Them. All. Give the money to the parents to send their kids to the schools of their choice. Teachers should be required to have a minimum amount of years working in the field they wish to teach. We have teachers that are seeing curriculum for the very first time as they are teaching it.

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